Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nokia's CEO ready to abandon MeeGo, even if the N9 becomes a hit

Elop says the N9 depends read more about the Qt application framework greater than the MeeGo Operating system. But the Qt construction allows applications to be designed for three from the OS utilised by Nokia, although not for the Home windows Phone sequence .

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Turn On : e-readers Drive to Digital Distraction

E-readers have followed an unusual group adoption blackberry curve for a consumer electronics product. The 1st buyers have been, like those of many other tech products, more affluent, however the majority of these people were furthermore older and female consistent with the book-buying behavior of physical books.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Firefox for Android Mobile Browser to have Twitter

This function having this add-on is here with the installment and won’t require restart of the mobile web browser, and so the consumers could keep about browsing with no disruption. Good news for many in which Twitter features announced a great add-on